The Sacred Pipe is a ceremonial pipe that has been used by indigenous peoples of the Americas as a way to send out personal prayers, receive blessing and healings.
In this ceremony, we pray with the Sacred Pipe, the Can’upa, and ask Great Spirit to hear our prayers. The pipe is a conduit to transmit our healing, prayers, and blessings. The sacred Can’upa ceremony invokes an authentic sense of gratitude (what are we truly grateful for) and summons us to speak from our hearts as we share our healing requests. A pipe ceremony creates an energy of awareness which strengthens not only the person who prays but the entire planet.
“While there are many nuances within these diverse nations, indigenous peoples know that the pipe is one of the most holy ceremonies and sacred items they have. During my apprenticeship with a Lakota Medicine Elder, I was blessed by my teacher to carry the pipe for the healing of ourselves, our families, communities, and Mother Earth. The pipe I carry was initiated by my teacher as a community pipe for healing and teaching and for that reason it is a pipe that can be shared ceremonially with others to ensure regeneration of earth-based teachings and honor the healing requests and prayers of our communities.”
Here are some scenarios where a Sacred Pipe Ceremony can be a powerful tool:
Healing from a personal illness
Marriage ceremony or vow renewal
Sick or unwell family member
Global issues, i.e. climate crisis
This offering is available both in person and virtually
Would you like to experience this offering with your partner, your team, or your family? Inquire below about our group pricing.
90 Minutes
$225.00/per individual
Bhakti Wedding Package
Niccole is an ordained minister, licensed to craft and shape a very unique, traditional, Shamanic-inspired wedding experience. The ceremony can include a vow exchange or vow renewal through a Sacred Pipe and Blanket Ceremony, with a native flutist and sage circle.
Available to travel. Not exclusive to Santa Fe.