Focusing on You.
“Where you begin does not matter. Your willingness to start is what matters.”
- Rhonda Brittan
Where do I start?
People ask me this all the time. Where do I start? What method should I try? There is no one answer, but I have found that all you really need is to be open. You begin by being receptive and open to change.
My process begins with a platica (heart to heart conversation) and is a crucial tool for self-discovery. A platica gives you the opportunity to speak from the heart to clarify your issues and hear your story. After, we will come up with a plan together.
When you are ready. I am here.
These are Shamanic journeys that allow a person to retrieve their Soul Animal or Spirit Animal(s). During a journey, you will encounter or meet with Spirit Animal Allies or you will identify one animal that is your Soul Animal.
Limpia is an ancient technique from Indigenous Healers of Latin America. The ceremony helps to brush away dense or heavy energies that are collected while moving through daily life. I aid in clearing old energies that no longer serve you and work to replenish you with fresh, vibrant energies that renew harmony and balance.
The Medicine Wheel is a sacred symbol used by indigenous tribes. The medicine wheel is considered a powerful symbol of holistic healing. Through this offering, you will learn the sacred symbols of the Medicine Wheel and how it can be a map of healing to attain balance, harmony, and peace.
A Despacho is an Andean ceremony from South America. It is a prayer bundle which ‘dispatches’ or sends the prayers it contains to Spirit. It is created in ceremony and used for healing. You will be guided in making this prayer bundle and learn the symbolic meaning and messages of each item in the prayer bundle. After, the Despacho is burned in a fire ceremony.
The Sacred Pipe Ceremony is a place for us to come together in community to pray. The Ceremony invokes an authentic sense of gratitude (what are we truly grateful for) and summons us to speak from our hearts. A pipe ceremony creates an energy of awareness which strengthens not only the person who prays but the entire planet.
Niccole is a shamanic earth-centered healer and community guide. She can help shine a light on perennial wisdom that will assist you in connecting to the unbreakable spirit that unites us all. Shamanic guidance is for those seeking to strengthen their current spiritual path or those seeking to develop one.
Vision Quest is a ten day ”rite of passage” in many Native American and indigenous cultures. The ceremony of the Vision Quest is one of the most universal and ancient means to find spiritual guidance and purpose for one’s life.
Virtual work is an opportunity for a person to have agency and sovereignty over their personal space. It is unique in that a person can make their own sacred container the way they dream or envision it.