As a Bhakti Flow Yoga Teacher, I have frequently said in my classes, “Make a wise choice. Conscious choices create sustainability.” After a flow sequence, I offer students a choice to either transition with downward dog or vinyasa. The deeper meaning is simply this: if a student chooses a vinyasa versus transitioning to downward dog, will that choice lead to a more sustainable practice? or will the student be taxed out? or feel invigorated? Do they opt for a vinyasa out of habit and then “muscle” their way through? Or are they able to generate a true sense of inner heat (tapas) that propels them to move authentically forward in their flow?
As on the mat, so in life. Can we, as a human family, lean deeper and use our inner telescopes to brutally and honestly investigate how we make choices? Do our choices create sustainability in our lives, the lives of others, and our planet?
What is sustainability? Sustainability means the ability to sustain or maintain a state of being for the purpose of long-term balance.
If I am mired in anger, does that frequency sustainably hold me? Does it provide joy? Happiness? Does the anger incite a heavy or dense feeling? Is anger a state of being that you can successfully hold and maintain me for a long time? Does it feed my wellness? Does it protect my welfare? Do I feel yucky bearing the anger? The invitation is to search inward and inquire, “What is a choice I can pursue to inch me closer to a higher elevated state that offers more sustainability?”.
While this may sound simplistic, it can be difficult. We are easily ensnared by our egoic patterns, default buttons, and habits.
This is deep work. It takes courage and daily commitment. When we devote time to taking a pause to question, “Is the choice I am making life sustaining, not solely for myself but for the universe”, then we have the chance to move the needle toward an elevated state.
On a global or planetary plane, this can look like whether or not I support the local businesses, or do I support big box businesses that siphon oil out of the ocean behind the scenes?
Choices. Each choice we make matters. Each choice we make amplifies a frequency and vibration.
So, how can all of us call in deep healing for our ourselves and our planet in order to activate new beginnings and step more fully into light and higher sustainable Truths.